Keçiboynuzu Meyvesi (Ceratonia siliqua L.) ve Sağlık

Fikret Pazır , Yüksel Alper Ege Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü, İzmir


Keçiboynuzu (Ceratonia siliqua L.) besleyici değeri yüksek bir meyvedir ve ekonomik olarak değer taşımaktadır. Türkiye’de ve dünyada keçiboynuzu meyvesi genellikle Akdeniz ikliminin hakim olduğu, Akdeniz’e kıyısı olan bölgelerde yetişmektedir. Bu meyveden çoğunlukla keçiboynuzu pekmezi, keçiboynuzu unu, gam (locust bean gum), diyet lifi ve biyoaktif bir bileşen olan D-pinitol üretilmektedir. Keçiboynuzu meyvesi ve pekmezi içerdiği %52-62 toplam şeker miktarı ile enerji içeriği yüksek gıdalardır. Bunun yanı sıra yüksek mineral madde içeriğine sahip olup, özellikle de potasyum (843-1215 mg/kg), kalsiyum (251-361 mg/kg), fosfor (85-681 mg/kg) ve magnezyum (63-326 mg/kg) açısından zengindir. 3944.7 mg/kg toplam fenolik madde içeren keçiboynuzu meyvesinin lif içeriği ise 258.3 g/kg’dır. Keçiboynuzu meyvesinin kardiyovasküler ve gastrointestinal hastalıklar üzerine olumlu etkilerinin olduğu saptanmıştır. Aynı zamanda, başta çağımızın hastalığı olan diyabet ve birçok çeşitli hastalığa karşı etkili olduğu bilinen D-pinitol üretiminde kullanılabilen doğal bir hammadde olması nedeniyle keçiboynuzu değerli, katma değeri yüksek bir meyvedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, keçiboynuzu meyvesiyle ilgili bilgileri derleyerek, ileride yapılacak çalışmalara katkı sağlamaktır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Keçiboynuzu (Ceratonia siliqua L.), Fenolik madde, Diyet lifi, D-pinitol, Diyabet

Carob Fruit (Ceratonia siliqua L.) and Health ABSTRACT Carob bean (Ceratonia siliqua L.) is a nutritive fruit, and also it has an important economic potential. Generally, this fruit can be found in the coasts of the Mediterranean where the Mediterranean climate characteristics can be seen. Carob has been used for the production of syrup (molasses), powder, gum (locust bean gum), dietary fiber and Dpinitol, a bioactive compound. Carob fruit and carob syrup contain 52-62% total sugar, which means high caloric content. In addition to this, carob fruit is high in mineral content, and especially potassium (843-1215 mg/kg), calcium (251-361 mg/kg), phosphorus (85-681 mg/kg) and magnesium (63-326 mg/kg) are its major minerals. Carob fruit itself is a natural source of dietary fiber (258.3 g/kg) and total phenolic content (3944.7 mg/kg). Carob fruit has been found to have positive effects on gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, carob is a fruit with a high added value because it is used as a natural raw material for the production of D-pinitol, which is known to be effective against a variety of different diseases including diabetes. The aim of this study is to review literature on carob fruit for the contribution to future studies.

Keywords: Carob bean (Ceratonia siliqua L.), Phenolic matter, Dietary fibre, D-pinitol, Diabetes

Keçiboynuzu (Ceratonia siliqua L.) Leguminoseae (Fabaceae-Baklagiller) familyasından Caesalpinaceae alt familyasına ait ve antik çağlardan bugüne var olan, çevresel ve ekonomik olarak önem taşıyan bir bitkidir. Kök yapısı sayesinde yetiştiği alanlarda erozyon gibi afetleri de önlemektedir [1]. Dünyada keçiboynuzu çoğunlukla Akdeniz ikliminin görüldüğü İspanya, İtalya, Fas, Portekiz, Yunanistan, Kıbrıs ve Türkiye gibi ülkelerde yetişmektedir. Keçiboynuzu ağacının hem yabani tipi hem de aşılı tipi mevcuttur. Keçiboynuzunun (Şekil 1) içeriğinin ve fiziksel özelliklerinin uzun yıllardan beri birçok araştırmacı tarafından incelendiği bilinmektedir [1-6]. Ağırlık olarak %90 meyve eti, %10 çekirdekten oluşan keçiboynuzunun kimyasal kompozisyonu bitkinin çeşidine, yetiştiği bölgeye ve hasat zamanına bağlı olarak değişim göstermektedir [1]. Keçiboynuzu kuru madde bazında %52-62 toplam şeker içerdiği ve bu toplam şekerin de%34-35 sakaroz, %7.8-9.6 glikoz, %10.1-12.2 fruktoz olduğu belirlenmiştir. Buna ek olarak 100 g keçiboynuzu 25.83 g diyet lifi, 4.18 g protein, 0.69 g yağ içermektedir [7].

Keçiboynuzu mineral madde açısından zengin bir meyvedir. Potasyum (827 mg/100g), kalsiyum (348 mg/100 g), magnezyum (54 mg/100g), fosfor (79 mg/ 100 g), sodyum (35 mg/100g), selenyum (5 mg/100 g), demir (2.9 mg/100g) ve bakır (0.6 mg/100g) keçiboynuzunda bulunmakta olan minerallerdir [8]. Minerallerce zengin olmanın yanı sıra keçiboynuzunda 24 çeşit fenolik bileşen bulunmaktadır. Fenolik maddelerden bazıları mirisetin ramnosit (%9.8), kuersetin ramnosit (%10.23), metil gallat (% 1.03), sinamik asit (%1.5), mirisetin glikozit (%1.58) ve gallik asittir (%41.7). Toplam fenolik madde miktarının (3944.7 mg/kg kuru maddede) büyük bir çoğunluğunu gallik asit oluşturmaktadır [9]. Keçiboynuzu ağacının yapraklarının antioksidan özelliklerinin ve toplam fenolik madde miktarını incelenmiş ve yaprakların da fenolik madde kaynağı olduğu tespit edilmiştir [10]. Keçiboynuzu meyvesinin biyoaktif bileşen olan Dpinitolün önemli kaynaklarından biri olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu konuda birçok araştırma yapılmıştır. Dpinitol miktarı ise kuru maddede %10.2–11’dir [11]. Türkiye’de yetişen aşılı ve yabani keçiboynuzları üzerinde gerçekleştirilen araştırmada [12], D-pinitol miktarının aşılı tip 28.04-60.00 g/kg kuru maddede olduğunu, yabani keçiboynuzlarında ise 27.08-74.69 g/kg kuru madde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Keçiboynuzundan D-pinitol ekstrakte edilerek bu bileşeni içeren çeşitli gıda takviyeleri ve ilaçlar üretilmektedir [10]. Ülkemizde keçiboynuzu, meyve olarak tüketilmesinin yanı sıra pekmez haline getirilerek veya keçiboynuzu unu olarak da tüketilmektedir. Keçiboynuzu pekmezi besleyici özellikleri ve enerji değeri yüksek bir gıda olması nedeniyle tercih edilen bir üründür. Çekirdeklerinden ayrılmış keçiboynuzu öğütülerek keçiboynuzu unu elde edilmektedir. Bu ürün teobromin ve kafein içermemesi buna ek olarak yüksek oranda şeker içermesi nedeniyle gıda sanayiinde kakao ikamesi olarak kullanımı yaygındır [5]. Çekirdekleri ise gam üretiminde kullanılmaktadır. Bu meyveden aynı zamanda renksiz şeker şurubu ve biyoaktif bir bileşen olan D-pinitol eldesi çalışmaları da mevcuttur.


Keçiboynuzu meyvesi ve bu meyveden üretilen ürünler çok uzun zamandır çeşitli amaçlarla tüketilmektedir.100 g çekirdeksiz keçiboynuzu tüketildiğinde 293 kcal enerji sağlamaktadır [7]. Şeker içeriği yüksek bir gıda olan keçiboynuzu, içerdiği yüksek miktarda suda çözünmeyen diyet lifi dolayısıyla glisemik indeksi düşük gıdalar sınıfında yer almaktadır [13]. Diyet lifince zengin bir diyetin obezite, kardiyovasküler ve gastrointestinal hastalıklar gibi çağımızda sıkça rastlanan rahatsızlıklar üzerine önleyici ve iyileştirici etkileri bulunmaktadır [14]. Gelişmiş ülkelerde kalp ve damar hastalıklarının neden olduğu ölümlerin sayısı gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Beslenme düzeninde düzenli olarak yer alan diyet lifi, kalp ve damar hastalıklarında önemli bir risk kaynağı olan kolesterol seviyesini düşürülmektedir [15]. Yüksek kolesterole sahip gönüllü hastalar üzerinde yürütülen bir araştırmada, hastaların normal diyetine ilave olarak 6 hafta süreyle çeşitli gıdalar içine karıştırılarak keçiboynuzu lifi verilmiş ve bu süreç sonucunda, LDL ve toplam kolesterolde lif verilen hasta grubunda, plasebo grubuna göre düşüş gözlemlenmiştir [16]. Keçiboynuzunun kolesterol seviyesi üzerine etkisinin incelendiği bir diğer çalışmada ise, içerisinde 5 g keçiboynuzu içeren bir gıda takviyesi hastalara verilmiş ve 6 haftalık araştırma süresi sonunda hastaların LDL ve toplam kolesterol seviyelerinde düşme saptanmıştır [17]. Keçiboynuzundan elde edilmiş ve polifenollerce zengin diyet lifinin, yüksek kolesterol seviyesine sahip insanlar üzerinde etkisin araştırıldığı klinik bir çalışmada, diyet lifi verilen grupta diyet lifi verilmeyen guruba göre toplam kolesterol ve LDL kolesterol seviyelerinde düşüş olduğu gözlemlenmiştir [18]. Keçiboynuzunun içerdiği diyet lifi sayesinde, kolon sağlığı ve kolondaki hücrelerin gelişimi üzerinde olumlu etkilere sahip olduğu bilinmektedir [19-22].

Doğal besinleri içeren bir beslenme düzeninden gelen potasyum, insanlarda kalp ve damar hastalıkları riskini azalltığı bilinmektedir. Özellikle inme vakası üzerine olumlu etkisi olduğunu kanıtlayan çalışmalar mevcuttur [23]. Keçiboynuzu mineral maddelerce zengin olup içeriğinde en fazla potasyum içermektedir [8]. Fenolik maddelerce zengin keçiboynuzunda miktarca en fazla bulunan fenolik madde gallik asittir. Bitkilerde bulunan doğal bir fenolik madde olan gallik asit, etkili bir antioksidan olup özellikle yağların oksidasyonunu yavaşlatmada çok etkilidir [9, 24]. Keçiboynuzu özütünün, karaciğer hücreleri üzerinde etil alkolun neden olduğu oksidatif strese karşı etkisi fareler üzerinde araştırılmış ve keçiboynuzu ekstraktının koruyucu etkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir [25]. Keçiboynuzu meyvesinin ve yaprağının ekstraktlarının antioksidatif özelliği sayesinde, diğer çalışmalara ek olarak böbrek hücrelerinde de koruyucu etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir [26]. Keçiboynuzu unu veya pekmez kullanılarak, çeşitli gıdaların özelliklerinin iyileştirilmesi veya zenginleştirilmesi üzerine çalışmalar da mevcuttur [27- 31]. Keçiboynuzu unu ile makarna, tarhana, yoğurt üretiminde kullanılacak süt gibi ürünler zenginleştirilmiş ve bu ürünlerin kalite kriterleri incelenmiştir. Araştırmalar sonucunda, son üründe antioksidan miktarının arttığı ve duyusal kalite kriterlerinde kötü yönde bir değişim olmadığı tespit edilmiştir [27, 29, 30]. Keçiboynuzu ekstraktının bazı mikroorganizmalar üzerindeki antimikrobiyal etkisi üzerine gerçekleştirilen çalışmada, tüketime hazır olarak üretilen patates salatası ve ton balığı örneklerinde, keçiboynuzu ekstraktının özellikle S. aureus’un iki tip suşu üzerinde etki gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir [32]. Çocuklarda, bakteri ve virüs kaynaklı diyarede, keçiboynuzu unu ve pekmezinin kullanımının diyare süresini kısalttığı tespit edilmiştir [33, 34]. Keçiboynuzu içeriği dolayısıyla çok çeşitli faydaları olan bir gıdadır [35]. Keçiboynuzu ununun ticari olarak üretimi ve bunun üzerine yapılan çalışmalar, faydalarının gün geçtikçe ortaya çıkmasıyla artmaktadır [36]. Keçiboynuzunun sağladığı bu yararların yanı sıra, keçiboynuzunda bulunan biyoaktif bir bileşen olan Dpinitol adlı bileşiğin de insan sağlığı üzerine etkilerinin araştırıldığı ve ortaya konulduğu çalışmalar mevcuttur. Özellikle diyabet hastalığında D-pinitolün kullanılabilirliği araştırılan konuların başlıcasıdır.

Diyabet (Diabetes mellitus), karbonhidrat ve yağ metabolizması ile ilgili, genellikle genetik ve çevresel etkenlerin rol oynadığı metabolik bir rahatsızlıktır ve iki tipi (Tip 1, Tip 2) mevcuttur. Diyabetin en yaygın rastlanan tipi olan Tip 2 diyabette, Tip 1’den farklı olarak pankreas insülini üretmekte ancak vücut bu insüline karşı direnç göstermektedir. Tip 1 diyabette ise insülin hormonu çok az salgılanmakta veya hiç salgılanamamaktadır [37]. İnsülin, kan plazmasındaki glikoz seviyesini düzenleyen ve vücutta gerçekleşen hücre büyümesi, elektrolit dengenin sağlanması, plazma- doku ve yağ metabolizmalarının düzenlenmesi gibi önemli faaliyetler üzerinde etkili bir hormondur [38]. Keçiboynuzu meyvesinde bulunan bir biyoaktif bileşen olan D-pinitol ise, insan metabolizmasında insülin gibi davranarak kan plazmasındaki glikozu düşürme ve dengeleme özelliğine sahiptir [11]. D-pinitol, Şekil 2’de görüldüğü gibi, (C7H14O6,3-OMethyl-D-chiro-inositol), D-chiro-inositolün monometillendirilmiş hali ve aynı zamanda bir siklitol olup adını ilk izole edildiği çam ağacından almaktadır [39]. İnsan diyetinin normal bir bileşeni olmakla birlikte keçiboynuzuna ek olarak çam ağacı, karanfil, soya vb. bitkilerde bulunmaktadır [40-42]. Çeşitli metotlarla elde edilen D-pinitol ve türevlerinin ağız ve damar yoluyla alınabileceği gibi enteral yolla da tatbik edilmesi mümkündür. Bu yollardan alınan Dpinitolün vücutta doğrudan metabolize edilebildiği görülmüştür [38]. D-pinitol içeren gıda takviyeleri katı veya sıvı formlarda olabilirler. Tablet, kapsül, bar, toz formlar katı; dispersiyon, emülsiyon, su bazlı oral-damar veya enteral solüsyonlar ise sıvı olarak üretilebilecek takviyelere örnektir [38].

D-pinitolün insülin etkisinin incelendiği çalışmada [37], fareler üzerinde araştırılmıştır. Kullanılan fareler normal, obez-diyabetik, STZ (streptozotosin ile indüklenmiş) diyabetik olarak gruplandırılmışlardır. On gün boyunca 100 mg/kg D-pinitol oral olarak tatbik edilmiştir. Test süresi boyunca 6 saat aralıklarla kan örnekleri alınmıştır. Belirtilen zaman aralıkları sonunda kan plazmasındaki glikoz miktarları ölçülen fare gruplarında en çok düşüşün STZ-diyabetik farelerde olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, STZ-diyabetik farelerde D-pinitol akut ve kronik olarak insülin gibi davrandığı ve plazmadaki glikoz miktarını düşürdüğü görülmüştür. D-pinitol ile ilgili yürütülen araştırma [43] Kore’de gerçekleştirilmiş ve 30 tane Tip 2 diyabet hastası üzerinde D-pinitolün etkisi araştırılmıştır. Hasta grubu ikiye bölünmüş plasebo grubuna D-pinitol içermeyen, diğer gruba ise 600 mg D-pinitol içeren preparatlar 13 hafta boyunca verilmiştir. Hastalardan beslenmelerine her zaman olduğu gibi devam etmeleri istenmiştir Araştırmaların sonucunda, D-pinitol tatbik edilen hasta grubunun LDL kolesterol seviyesinde kontrol grubuna göre bir düşüş belirlenmiştir. Hastalarda 13 hafta sonunda plazma glikoz miktarı değişimi ve kan lipid profili olumlu yönde değişmiştir. Buna bağlı olarak, D-pinitolün Tip 2 diyabet ve kardiyovasküler hastalıklarda tedavi edici ve önleyici etkisi olduğu ortaya konmuştur. D-pinitolün bazı kanser tipleri üzerine ve polikistik yumurtalık (over) sendromu üzerine etkisinin araştırıldığı çalışmalar da mevcuttur [44, 45]. Ancak, D-pinitolün diyabet üzerine etkisinin net olarak ortaya konulamadığı çalışmalar da mevcut olup [46] tüm araştırmacıların Dpinitol üzerine yapılan çalışmaların arttırılarak derinleştirmesini desteklediği çalışmalarında belirtilmektedir.


Keçiboynuzu meyvesi Türkiye’de ve dünyada yetişen ve yetiştirilen şeker içeriği yüksek bir meyvedir. Zengin şeker içeriğinden kaynaklanan enerji verici özelliğinin yanı sıra yüksek miktarda diyet lifi içermesi, mineral madde ve fenoliklerce zengin olması gibi özellikleriyle yetişkin ve çocuk beslenmesinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. İçeriğindeki D-pinitol ile diyabet gibi tüm dünyayı etkileyen bir hastalık üzerinde etkili ürünler üretilebilecek potansiyele sahiptir. Ayrıca özellikle gıda sanayisi olmakla beraber çoğu farklı alanda kullanımı yaygın olan bir katkı maddesi olan gam, keçiboynuzu çekirdeklerinden üretilmektedir. Bu durum hem çekirdeğinin hem de meyvenin kendisinin ekonomik açıdan değerli olduğunu göstermektedir. Dünya genelinde toplumların beslenme ve sağlık konusunda bilinçlenmesi buna bağlı olarak doğal ve mümkün olduğunca işlenmemiş ürünlere olan ilgiyi arttırmıştır. Keçiboynuzu da bu tanıma gerek yetiştirme gerek keçiboynuzundan üretilen ürünlerin üretim koşullarıyla tam olarak uyum sağlamaktadır. Keçiboynuzu meyvesinin ve bu meyveden üretilen ürünlerin tüketimi, üretimi desteklenmeli ve keçiboynuzu meyvesi hakkında yapılan araştırmalar detaylandırılmalı ve çoğaltılmalıdır.


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[27] Sęczyk, L., Świeca, M., Gawlik-Dziki, U., 2016. Effect of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) flour on the antioxidant potential, nutritional quality, and sensory characteristics of fortified durum wheat pasta. Food Chemistry 194(1): 637-642.

[28] Tsatsaragkou, K., Gounaropoulos, I., Mandala, I., 2014. Development of gluten free bread containing carob flour and resistant starch. Food Science and Technology 58: 124-129.

[29] Atasoy, F.A., 2009. The effects of carob juice concentrates on the properties of yogurt. International Journal of Dairy Technology 62(2): 228-233.

[30] Çağlar, A., Erol, N., Elgün, S.M., 2013. Effect of carob flour substitution on chemical and functional properties of tarhana. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 37: 670-675.

[31] Tsatsaragkou, K., Yiannopoulos, S., Kontogiorgi, A., Poulli, E., Krokida, M., Mandala, I., 2012. Mathematical approach of structural and textural properties of gluten free bread enriched with carob flour. Journal of Cereal Science 56: 603- 609.

[32] Tassou, C.C., Drosinos, E.H., Nychas, J.E., 1997. Short Communication: Weak antimicrobial effect of carob (Ceratonia siliqua) extract against foodrelated bacteria in culture media and model food systems. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 13: 479-481

[33] Akşit, S., Çağlayan, S., Cukan, R., Yaprak, İ., 1998. Carob bean juice: a powerful adjunct to oral rehydration solution treatment in diarrhea. Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 12: 176-181

[34] Loeb, H., Vandenplas, Y., Würsch, P., Guesry, P., 1989. Tannin rich carob pod for the treatment of acute-onset diarrhea. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology 8: 480-485.

[35] Nasar-Abbas, M.S., Huma, Z., Vu, T., Khan, K.M., Esbenshade, H., Jayasena, V., 2016. Carob kibble: a bioactive- rich food ingredient. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 15: 63- 72.

[36] Ayaz, A.F., Torun, H., Glew, H.R., Bak, D.Z., Chuang, T.L., Presley, M.J., Andrews, R., 2009. Nutrient content of carob pod (Ceratonia siliqua L.) flour prepared commercially and domestically. Plant Food and Human Nutrition 64: 286-292.

[37] Ortmeyer, H., Huang, L., Zhang, L., Hansen, B., 1992. Chiro inositol deficiency and insulin resistance: Acute effects of D-chiroinositol administration in streptozotocin- diabetic rats, normal rats given a glucose lead, and spontaneously insulin resistant rhesus monkeys. Endocrinology 132: 646-651.

[38] Ostlund, R.E., Sherman, W.R., 1996. Pinitol and derivatives thereof for the treatment of metabolic disorders. U.S. Patent No: 5,550,166.

[39] Anderson, A.B., 1952. Pinitol from sugar pines tumpwood. Ind. Eng. Chem. 45: 593-596

[40] Do, Q.M.K., 2007. Isolation and physiological activities of pinitol in Lespedeza Cuneata. Master’s Thesis, Korea.

[41] Ichimura, K., Kohata, K., Koketsu, K., Shimamura, M., Ito, A., 1998. Identification of Pinitol as a main sugar constituent and changes in its content during flower bud development in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.). Journal of Plant Physiology 152: 363-367.

[42] Chul-Shin, Y., Jeon, Y.J., Kim, J.J., 2003. Method of recovering pinitol or chiro inositol in high yield from soy fractions. U. S. Patent No 0186401 A1

[43] Kim, J.I., Kim, J.C., Kang, M.J., Lee, M.S., Kim, J.J., Cha, I.J., 2005. Effects of Pinitol isolated from soybeans on glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in Korean patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 59: 456-458.

[44] Rengarajan, T., Nandakumar, N., Balasubramanian, M., 2012. Protective efficacy of dietary D-pinitol on hepatic and renal tissues during experimental breast cancer in rats challenged with 7,12- dimethylbenz (a) anthracene: A biochemical approach. Biomedicine & Aging Pathology 2: 85-93.

[45] Nestler, J.E., Jakubowicz, J.D., Reamer, P., Gunn, R.D., Allan, G., 1999. Ovulatory and metabolic effects of D-chiro-inositol the polycystic ovary syndrome. The New England Journal of Magazine 340: 1314-1320.

[46] Davis, A., Christiansen, M., Horowitz, J.F., Hellerstein, K.M., Ostlund, E.R., 2000. Effect of pinitol treatment on insulin action in subjects with insulin resistance. Diabetes Care 23: 1000-1005.

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19.01.2024 14:24
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19.01.2024 14:24
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As I told you earlier, we have already used a similar service. It is very important to choose the team, which has long been on the market. Do not risk your money and health! I found information [url=]in this article[/url]
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4.02.2024 19:08
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17.02.2024 20:33
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17.02.2024 20:33
As I told you earlier, we have already used a similar service. It is very important to choose the team, which has long been on the market. Do not risk your money and health! This problem has a known solution, for example [url=]Here[/url]
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23.02.2024 21:16
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23.02.2024 21:16
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26.02.2024 22:56
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26.02.2024 22:56
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1.03.2024 23:01
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[url=]Love Dont Change - Jeremih (Lyrics)[/url]
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[url=]Trina Felber ? Primal Life Organics: Feed Your Skin #295[/url]
[url=]Delays and Cancellations: Know Your Rights[/url]
[url=]Home The Belle Rive Boutique Hotel[/url]
[url=]Crash Adams - Sugar Mommy (Official Video)[/url]
[url=]Ultimate Guide To Hostel Life By A Solo Traveler[/url]
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[url=][HOST] - How to Plan your Visit to Bali in[/url]
1.03.2024 23:01
Some of my friends tried to dissuade me from using their services. Although I'm tend to believe that they are normal guys. Recently there was related article [url=]on this site[/url]
As I told you earlier, we have already used a similar service. It is very important to choose the team, which has long been on the market. Do not risk your money and health! I recently read a solution to a similar problem [url=]on the link[/url]

[url=][HOST] - How to Plan your Visit to Bali in[/url] [url=]Why Doesn't China Invade Taiwan?[/url] [url=]Top 10 Solo Traveling Destinations in Europe[/url] [url=]Why We Need More Latino Representation in Hollywood[/url] [url=]Standard Queen[/url] [url=]Walking the North Wildwood Beach![/url] [url=]Hotels]Celebrity Ascent Cruise Director Announcement[/url] [url=]PANTAI KRAKAL - Menyongsong Barrel di Pantai Krakal[/url] [url=]Companies Registry: Submission of Annual Return @ e-Registry[/url] [url=]Walking the south west coast path[/url] [url=]TOP 10 things to see: JAKARTA, INDONESIA[/url] [url=]9 common questions about vaccines and travel[/url] [url=]Salem Travel Guide[/url] [url=]Why Disney World is EMPTY This Summer[/url] [url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=5136&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=My%20wife%20loves%20to%20watch%20your%20videos%20with%20me.%20She%20asked%20me%20to%20ask%20you%20how%20much%20time%20do%20you%20spend%20on%20it%20every%20day?%20And%20how%20difficult%20is%20it%20for%20a%20beginner?%20She%20doubts%20her%20own%20abilities%20after%20one%20article.%20I%20recently%20read%20a%20solution%20to%20a%20similar%20problem%20a%20href=,%20do%20you%20expect%20me%20to%20continue%20our%20conversation%20in%20personal%20correspondence%20or%20can%20we%20communicate%20here?%20I%20want%20to%20fulfill%20my%20promise,%20It%20seems%20that%20this%20problem%20is%20discussed%20a%20href=]How to make a travel budget using points and miles[/url] [url=]Yogyakarta Travel Guide: Tips, Sights & Highlights[/url] [url=]Latest News[/url] [url=]BOOKING TERMS & CONDITIONS[/url] [url=]Can't You See Sizzle Reel[/url] [url=]Cyprus Travel Guide & Tips - My Cyprus Travel[/url] [url=]TV Guide 1/7/1995 (NYC)[/url]  bebb9b3  
6.03.2024 17:12
Your masterclass as always on top! Lessons from Fred also help me well, what do you think about them? I would be glad if you had a joint lesson with him, as far as I know, he does not mind. I found information [url=]In This Article[/url]
My sister last year has experienced this. It was a very difficult experience for her and for our family, and now we try to be careful and read the terms carefully, including the fine print. It seems that this problem is discussed [url=]Here[/url]
Your masterclass as always on top! Lessons from Fred also help me well, what do you think about them? I would be glad if you had a joint lesson with him, as far as I know, he does not mind. It seems that this problem is discussed [url=]here[/url]

[url=]Nearly Free Travel: 9 Tips To Save Big on Worldwide Travel Costs GOBankingRates[/url]
[url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=1317&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=My%20sister%20last%20year%20has%20experienced%20this.%20It%20was%20a%20very%20difficult%20experience%20for%20her%20and%20for%20our%20family,%20and%20now%20we%20try%20to%20be%20careful%20and%20read%20the%20terms%20carefully,%20including%20the%20fine%20print.%20It%20seems%20that%20this%20problem%20is%20discussed%20a%20href=,%20we%20have%20already%20used%20a%20similar%20service.%20It%20is%20very%20important%20to%20choose%20the%20team,%20which%20has%20long%20been%20on%20the%20market.%20Do%20not%20risk%20your%20money%20and%20health!%20Try%20the%20solution%20described%20a%20href=*Unreleased*/aa%20href=]How To Expand Maps In Minecraft[/url]
[url=]Flight Status - Arrivals[/url]
[url=]The Old Orchard[/url]
[url=]Travel-related design templates Microsoft Create[/url]
[url=]Hotels in Downtown Houston, Houston[/url]
[url=]Greek History Audiobook[/url]
[url=]10 Most Beautiful Cities in Greece[/url]
[url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=5192&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=When%20you%20and%20I%20first%20met%20at%20the%20master%20class,%20I%20was%20struck%20by%20your%20life%20energy!%20Ill%20wait%20for%20you%20to%20continue%20the%20story,%20it%20was%20very%20interesting.%20And%20yet,%20to%20fulfill%20the%20promises%20of%20the%20previous%20article:%20This%20issue%20has%20already%20been%20discussed%20a%20href=,%20Texas%20-%20Bed%20&%20Breakfast%20Capital/aa%20href=,000%20Art%20Competition%20-%20Day%202/aa%20href=]Hotels in Chora, Greece[/url]
[url=]Top 10 Money-Saving Travel Tips[/url]
[url=]Taking Meeka The Talking Husky On An Airplane![/url]
[url=]Category:African diaspora by region[/url]
[url=]5 Days Hong Kong Itinerary[/url]
6.03.2024 17:12
Some of my friends tried to dissuade me from using their services. Although I'm tend to believe that they are normal guys. This problem has a known solution, for example [url=]Here[/url]
Why don't you try to do it as described here:

[url=]26 of the Best Places to Visit in Greece in - The Planet D[/url] [url=]First Time In Tokyo[/url] [url=]Watch Everyday Knowledge online free - FREECABLE TV[/url] [url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=4845&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=My%20sister%20last%20year%20has%20experienced%20this.%20It%20was%20a%20very%20difficult%20experience%20for%20her%20and%20for%20our%20family,%20and%20now%20we%20try%20to%20be%20careful%20and%20read%20the%20terms%20carefully,%20including%20the%20fine%20print.%20Why%20dont%20you%20try%20to%20do%20it%20as%20described%20a%20href=,%20I%20was%20struck%20by%20your%20life%20energy!%20Ill%20wait%20for%20you%20to%20continue%20the%20story,%20it%20was%20very%20interesting.%20And%20yet,%20to%20fulfill%20the%20promises%20of%20the%20previous%20article:%20I%20agree%20with%20you,%20there%20is%20a%20solution,%20I%20read%20about%20it%20a%20href=,%20Mykonos,%20Paros,%20Ios%20&%20Santorini/a%20a%20href=,%20Cyprus%20-%204K%20Walking%20Tour/a%20a%20href=]How to Publish an App to the App Store[/url] [url=]Lonely Planet New Zealand[/url] [url=]15 Amazing Beach Houses[/url] [url=]Bed and Breakfasts Book Cheap B&Bs & Guesthouses Online[/url] [url=]Hostels in Paris, France[/url] [url=]Orange County Resort Hotel Alanya in Turkey[/url] [url=]Walking the south west coast path[/url] [url=]That Moment I Understood White Privilege[/url] [url=]Citizens Advice Bureau Debt information DVD[/url] [url=]10 male celebrities married to ugly wives[/url] [url=]Best Affiliate Programs For Travel Bloggers[/url] [url=]HAGERSTOWN, MARYLND BLACK AND WHITE HOODS[/url] [url=]Greek Island Hopping - A Guide[/url] [url=]What is Citizens Advice[/url] [url=]10 of the best travel books[/url] [url=]Follow your favorite reviewers and authors[/url] [url=]European Union statistics[/url] [url=]Images Salon: Oyster Bay, NY[/url]  b572_e3  
11.03.2024 08:38
Your masterclass as always on top! Lessons from Fred also help me well, what do you think about them? I would be glad if you had a joint lesson with him, as far as I know, he does not mind. I recently read a solution to a similar problem [url=]on the link[/url]
My wife loves to watch your videos with me. She asked me to ask you how much time do you spend on it every day? And how difficult is it for a beginner? She doubts her own abilities after one article. Try the solution described [url=]Here[/url]
How do you have time to live such a full life? I admire you! At a personal meeting, we did not have time to discuss one topic and we postponed it for later. Now I would like to return to this subject. Recently there was related article [url=]on this site[/url]

[url=]Wellness Destinations For Every Kind of Traveler[/url]
[url=]Japan Solo Travel Guide Flash Pack[/url]
[url=]Appendix A: References[/url]
[url=]The 17 Best Hotels in Nashville[/url]
[url=]How to manage Listing Categories - Part II[/url]
[url=]40 things to do before going overseas[/url]
[url=]How to Make Water Irrigation System[/url]
[url=]Pin on Picture of the Day[/url]
[url=]9 BEST Places For Winter Sun In[/url]
[url=]Lonely Planet's Best Ever Travel Tips[/url]
[url=]POV Meaning[/url]
[url=]The Purpose of Online Booking Systems[/url]
[url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=590&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=My%20sister%20last%20year%20has%20experienced%20this.%20It%20was%20a%20very%20difficult%20experience%20for%20her%20and%20for%20our%20family,%20and%20now%20we%20try%20to%20be%20careful%20and%20read%20the%20terms%20carefully,%20including%20the%20fine%20print.%20This%20problem%20has%20a%20known%20solution,%20for%20example%20a%20href=,%20we%20have%20already%20used%20a%20similar%20service.%20It%20is%20very%20important%20to%20choose%20the%20team,%20which%20has%20long%20been%20on%20the%20market.%20Do%20not%20risk%20your%20money%20and%20health!%20I%20found%20information%20a%20href=,%20yet%20Easy%20to%20Use%20Sitemaps%20Service/a%20a%20href=,%20Right%20Now/a%20a%20href=]Meet Guides - Lonely Planet's newest app[/url]
[url=]TV Guide Commercials - Television Obscurities[/url]
11.03.2024 08:38
When you and I first met at the master class, I was struck by your life energy! I'll wait for you to continue the story, it was very interesting. And yet, to fulfill the promises of the previous article: Try the solution described [url=]Here[/url]
Always glad to read you! Try the embodiments described above, I did it on the first try, though I'm just a beginner! And if you have not tried the Chris method, it is also good in this situation. Try the solution described [url=]here[/url]
Your masterclass as always on top! Lessons from Fred also help me well, what do you think about them? I would be glad if you had a joint lesson with him, as far as I know, he does not mind. Recently there was related article [url=]on this site[/url]

[url=]How to complain about a holiday[/url]
[url=]Ciara: More Than Music - AllHipHop[/url]
[url=]Restaurant week November - Fort Nassau[/url]
[url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=5192&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=When%20you%20and%20I%20first%20met%20at%20the%20master%20class,%20I%20was%20struck%20by%20your%20life%20energy!%20Ill%20wait%20for%20you%20to%20continue%20the%20story,%20it%20was%20very%20interesting.%20And%20yet,%20to%20fulfill%20the%20promises%20of%20the%20previous%20article:%20This%20issue%20has%20already%20been%20discussed%20a%20href=,%20Texas%20-%20Bed%20&%20Breakfast%20Capital/aa%20href=,000%20Art%20Competition%20-%20Day%202/aa%20href=]Hotels in Chora, Greece[/url]
[url=]Why is China's economy struggling? - DW News[/url]
[url=]Airbnb vs Vrbo vs [HOST] vs HomeAway in[/url]
[url=]Josh - Location - Prod. by CHXRLY88[/url]
[url=]African-American music[/url]
[url=]How to Change Your Country or Region on iPhone[/url]
[url=]Craziest Things Found By Airport Security[/url]
[url=]Staying At Camp Fimfo In Texas Hill Country[/url]
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15.03.2024 22:54
When you and I first met at the master class, I was struck by your life energy! I'll wait for you to continue the story, it was very interesting. And yet, to fulfill the promises of the previous article: Why don't you try to do it as described [url=]Here[/url]
My experience suggests otherwise. Although in person you could convince me :) By the way, returning to our conversation, This problem has a known solution, for example [url=]Here[/url]

[url=]Worldwide Caution[/url]
[url=]GDP of European countries Statista[/url]
[url=]Europe on $30/day?[/url]
[url=]20 Must-Read Time Travel Books[/url]
[url=]How To Change The App Store Country?[/url]
[url=]Dave Ramsey's Steps To Buying A House[/url]
[url=]7 Dishes You Have to Eat in Iceland[/url]
[url=]NewsDetail - Fit for Travel[/url]
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[url=]House committee holds UFO hearing[/url]
[url=]Frugal Living Guide: 35 Ways to Find Serious Savings - NerdWallet[/url]
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[url=]Bed and breakfast in Italy[/url]
[url=]St Francis Inn - St Augustine Florida -[/url]
15.03.2024 22:54
How do you have time to live such a full life? I admire you! At a personal meeting, we did not have time to discuss one topic and we postponed it for later. Now I would like to return to this subject. Recently there was related article [url=]on this site[/url]
Your masterclass as always on top! Lessons from Fred also help me well, what do you think about them? I would be glad if you had a joint lesson with him, as far as I know, he does not mind. Why don't you try to do it as described [url=]Here[/url]

[url=]Vacation flashback![/url]
[url=]The 17 Best Hotels in Nashville[/url]
[url=]Category:Lists of countries by population by year[/url]
[url=]Irish B&B Directory[/url]
[url=]Study at the University of Iceland[/url]
[url=]10 things I wish I knew before visiting Bali - Hopping Feet[/url]
[url=]Cheap vs Expensive - English Breakfast Challenge![/url]
[url=]Travel Costs from Around the World[/url]
[url=]??Live Frankfurt Airport Saturday Planespotting ?FRA?[/url]
[url=]The 12 Best Places To Visit In Greece in[/url]
[url=]Companies Using Flutter in[/url]
[url=]Florida sees decline in orange production[/url]
[url=]Category:African-American diaspora[/url]
[url=]Traditional Japanese Breakfast Recipe Epicurious[/url]
20.03.2024 14:20
Some of my friends tried to dissuade me from using their services. Although I'm tend to believe that they are normal guys. This problem has a known solution, for example [url=]Here[/url]

[url=]What is the European Commission?[/url] [url=]Watch This Before You See Barbie[/url] [url=]Sa'dan River - Indonesia Travel[/url] [url=]THE GROWTH RINGS[/url] [url=]The 15 Best Things to do in Athens, Greece[/url] [url=]Freshsales vs. Hubspot[/url] [url=]3 Simple Ways to Serve Your Husband[/url] [url=]Stay or Die AGAIN? (PART 4) #shorts[/url] [url=]Yahoo Sports[/url] [url=]Reykjavik Christmas Shopping Kringlan Mall.[/url] [url=]Packing for Family Vacation Tips[/url] [url=]Bali on a Budget: A Guide to Visiting Bali taverna travels[/url] [url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=647&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=a%20href=!%20Lessons%20from%20Fred%20also%20help%20me%20well,%20what%20do%20you%20think%20about%20them?%20I%20would%20be%20glad%20if%20you%20had%20a%20joint%20lesson%20with%20him,%20as%20far%20as%20I%20know,%20he%20does%20not%20mind.%20I%20agree%20with%20you,%20there%20is%20a%20solution,%20I%20read%20about%20it%20a%20href=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=208&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=My%20wife%20loves%20to%20watch%20your%20videos%20with%20me.%20She%20asked%20me%20to%20ask%20you%20how%20much%20time%20do%20you%20spend%20on%20it%20every%20day?%20And%20how%20difficult%20is%20it%20for%20a%20beginner?%20She%20doubts%20her%20own%20abilities%20after%20one%20article.%20I%20think%20the%20article%20a%20href=,%20we%20have%20already%20used%20a%20similar%20service.%20It%20is%20very%20important%20to%20choose%20the%20team,%20which%20has%20long%20been%20on%20the%20market.%20Do%20not%20risk%20your%20money%20and%20health!%20I%20recently%20read%20a%20solution%20to%20a%20similar%20problem%20a%20href=,%20do%20you%20expect%20me%20to%20continue%20our%20conversation%20in%20personal%20correspondence%20or%20can%20we%20communicate%20here?%20I%20want%20to%20fulfill%20my%20promise,%20Recently%20there%20was%20related%20article%20a%20href=,000%20Art%20Competition%20-%20Day%202/aa%20href=,%20NY/aa%20href=]Trendy Parenting Advice GONE WRONG ?[/url] [url=]conradwalks: Wainwright's Way - Haystacks and Honister[/url] [url=]Search Cheap Hotels in South Houston, TX on cozycozy[/url] [url=]Greek Island Hopping - A Guide[/url] [url=]Cotswolds travel guide[/url] [url=]16 amazing things to do in Athens CN Traveller[/url] [url=]How to Make Personal Microsoft Bookings Page[/url] [url=]Staying in HOSTELS - 5 Tips to Always REMEMBER![/url] [url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=1317&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=Your%20masterclass%20as%20always%20on%20top!%20Lessons%20from%20Fred%20also%20help%20me%20well,%20what%20do%20you%20think%20about%20them?%20I%20would%20be%20glad%20if%20you%20had%20a%20joint%20lesson%20with%20him,%20as%20far%20as%20I%20know,%20he%20does%20not%20mind.%20Try%20the%20solution%20described%20a%20href=!%20At%20a%20personal%20meeting,%20we%20did%20not%20have%20time%20to%20discuss%20one%20topic%20and%20we%20postponed%20it%20for%20later.%20Now%20I%20would%20like%20to%20return%20to%20this%20subject.%20I%20agree%20with%20you,%20there%20is%20a%20solution,%20I%20read%20about%20it%20a%20href=!%20Try%20the%20embodiments%20described%20above,%20I%20did%20it%20on%20the%20first%20try,%20though%20Im%20just%20a%20beginner!%20And%20if%20you%20have%20not%20tried%20the%20Chris%20method,%20it%20is%20also%20good%20in%20this%20situation.%20It%20seems%20that%20this%20problem%20is%20discussed%20a%20href=!/a%20a%20href=!/a%20a%20href=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=1144&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=a%20href=,%20I%20was%20struck%20by%20your%20life%20energy!%20Ill%20wait%20for%20you%20to%20continue%20the%20story,%20it%20was%20very%20interesting.%20And%20yet,%20to%20fulfill%20the%20promises%20of%20the%20previous%20article:%20Try%20the%20solution%20described%20a%20href=,%20do%20you%20expect%20me%20to%20continue%20our%20conversation%20in%20personal%20correspondence%20or%20can%20we%20communicate%20here?%20I%20want%20to%20fulfill%20my%20promise,%20Why%20dont%20you%20try%20to%20do%20it%20as%20described%20a%20href=!/a%20a%20href=,%20VT/a%20a%20href=!/a%20a%20href=!%20(Internet%204.0)/a%20a%20href=!/a%20%20f1e078c%20%20&values%5BSubmit%5D&values%5Bcaptured%5D=]Citizens Advice Witness Service[/url]  e98596d  
20.03.2024 14:20
Always glad to read you! Try the embodiments described above, I did it on the first try, though I'm just a beginner! And if you have not tried the Chris method, it is also good in this situation. I recently read a solution to a similar problem [url=]On The Link[/url]
When you and I first met at the master class, I was struck by your life energy! I'll wait for you to continue the story, it was very interesting. And yet, to fulfill the promises of the previous article: I found information [url=]In this article[/url]

[url=]Flights from Tehran (IKA) to Bali (DPS)[/url]
[url=]Category:Flags of Europe[/url]
[url=]Trying out [HOST] and a mini haul[/url]
[url=]Summer Nites Bed & Breakfast[/url]
[url=]How to Travel Cheaply: 75 Smart Ways to Save on Every Part of Your Trip[/url]
[url=]The ultimate guide to backpacking Greece[/url]
[url=]How to Make Comparisons in English - [HOST][/url]
[url=]CHEAP Hotel Near Eiffel Tower[/url]
[url=]AYANA Villas BALI Five-Star Recommended Hotel In Forbes Travel Guide?s 2022[/url]
[url=]Why you need to visit Cyprus[/url]
[url=]Anne-Marie - Ciao Adios [Official Video][/url]
[url=]4 Best New Cyprus Travel Guide Books To Read In - BookAuthority[/url]
[url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=4063&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=a%20href=!%20Lessons%20from%20Fred%20also%20help%20me%20well,%20what%20do%20you%20think%20about%20them?%20I%20would%20be%20glad%20if%20you%20had%20a%20joint%20lesson%20with%20him,%20as%20far%20as%20I%20know,%20he%20does%20not%20mind.%20I%20think%20the%20article%20a%20href=!/aa%20href=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=5136&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=My%20wife%20loves%20to%20watch%20your%20videos%20with%20me.%20She%20asked%20me%20to%20ask%20you%20how%20much%20time%20do%20you%20spend%20on%20it%20every%20day?%20And%20how%20difficult%20is%20it%20for%20a%20beginner?%20She%20doubts%20her%20own%20abilities%20after%20one%20article.%20I%20recently%20read%20a%20solution%20to%20a%20similar%20problem%20a%20href=,%20do%20you%20expect%20me%20to%20continue%20our%20conversation%20in%20personal%20correspondence%20or%20can%20we%20communicate%20here?%20I%20want%20to%20fulfill%20my%20promise,%20It%20seems%20that%20this%20problem%20is%20discussed%20a%20href=]15 Safest Countries to Buy Affordable Property[/url]
25.03.2024 08:00
I consider you as my teacher and I thank you for your videos. Tell me, do you expect me to continue our conversation in personal correspondence or can we communicate here? I want to fulfill my promise, I recently read a solution to a similar problem [url=]On the link[/url]
When you and I first met at the master class, I was struck by your life energy! I'll wait for you to continue the story, it was very interesting. And yet, to fulfill the promises of the previous article: I recently read a solution to a similar problem [url=]on the link[/url]

[url=]16 amazing things to do in Athens CN Traveller[/url]
[url=]Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Indonesia PR[/url]
[url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=5186&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=Your%20masterclass%20as%20always%20on%20top!%20Lessons%20from%20Fred%20also%20help%20me%20well,%20what%20do%20you%20think%20about%20them?%20I%20would%20be%20glad%20if%20you%20had%20a%20joint%20lesson%20with%20him,%20as%20far%20as%20I%20know,%20he%20does%20not%20mind.%20Try%20the%20solution%20described%20a%20href=,.birdoswald/a%20a%20href=!/a%20a%20href=!/a%20a%20href=,%20Greece%20(Guide)%20?%20Top%20things%20to%20do/a%20%2021b4477%20%20&values%5BSubmit%5D&values%5Bcaptured%5D=]Singapore Travel Advisory[/url]
[url=]Jordan Peterson[/url]
[url=]Skyline Lodge Select Registry[/url]
[url=]9 CHEAP Things To Do In Barcelona, Spain????[/url]
[url=]Short Travel Stories[/url]
[url=]12 best shopping cities in the world[/url]
[url=]What is the European Commission?[/url]
[url=]Mena Suvari[/url]
[url=]5 Ojo Inn Eureka Springs[/url]
[url=]Survival Phrases - IndonesianPod[/url]
[url=]7 Dimensions of Wellness[/url]
25.03.2024 08:00
I consider you as my teacher and I thank you for your videos. Tell me, do you expect me to continue our conversation in personal correspondence or can we communicate here? I want to fulfill my promise, Why don't you try to do it as described [url=]Here[/url]
Always glad to read you! Try the embodiments described above, I did it on the first try, though I'm just a beginner! And if you have not tried the Chris method, it is also good in this situation. Recently there was related article [url=]On this site[/url]
I consider you as my teacher and I thank you for your videos. Tell me, do you expect me to continue our conversation in personal correspondence or can we communicate here? I want to fulfill my promise, I found information [url=]In this article[/url]

[url=]Athens, Mykonos, Paros, Ios & Santorini[/url] [url=]Budgeting, Saving, Investments & Education - BWSS[/url] [url=]The most discriminated group of people in Europe[/url] [url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=5128&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=My%20sister%20last%20year%20has%20experienced%20this.%20It%20was%20a%20very%20difficult%20experience%20for%20her%20and%20for%20our%20family,%20and%20now%20we%20try%20to%20be%20careful%20and%20read%20the%20terms%20carefully,%20including%20the%20fine%20print.%20I%20agree%20with%20you,%20there%20is%20a%20solution,%20I%20read%20about%20it%20a%20href=!/aa%20href=]Excellence in Theatre[/url] [url=]CAPSULE COURSE OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR[/url] [url=]IMPOSSIBLE FOILING ![/url] [url=]TOP 10 things to see: JAKARTA, INDONESIA[/url] [url=]Older Americans struggle to save for retirement[/url] [url=]10 Budget Tips for Travelling in the US[/url] [url=]INTERNATIONAL REFUND/DEFERRAL POLICY[/url] [url=]C Programming: What does Dereferencing a Pointer Mean?[/url] [url=]Central Park[/url] [url=]MLB - Dirtiest Plays of All Time[/url] [url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=5192&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=a%20href=!%20Lessons%20from%20Fred%20also%20help%20me%20well,%20what%20do%20you%20think%20about%20them?%20I%20would%20be%20glad%20if%20you%20had%20a%20joint%20lesson%20with%20him,%20as%20far%20as%20I%20know,%20he%20does%20not%20mind.%20Recently%20there%20was%20related%20article%20a%20href=,%20we%20have%20already%20used%20a%20similar%20service.%20It%20is%20very%20important%20to%20choose%20the%20team,%20which%20has%20long%20been%20on%20the%20market.%20Do%20not%20risk%20your%20money%20and%20health!%20I%20found%20information%20a%20href=,%20Canada/aa%20href=]Make vs. Do - Learn English Vocabulary[/url] [url=]Americans' Favorite Travel Destinations[/url] [url=]Ohio State University attack[/url] [url=]Cyprus welcomes the world! - My Cyprus Transfer[/url] [url=]Please Watch This Game[/url] [url=]54 Ways to Save Money America Saves[/url] [url=]Folding towels[/url] [url=]Business Travel[/url]  14feb57  
30.03.2024 02:41
Your masterclass as always on top! Lessons from Fred also help me well, what do you think about them? I would be glad if you had a joint lesson with him, as far as I know, he does not mind. I found information [url=]In This Article[/url]
When you and I first met at the master class, I was struck by your life energy! I'll wait for you to continue the story, it was very interesting. And yet, to fulfill the promises of the previous article: It seems that this problem is discussed [url=]here[/url]

[url=]Tips For Travellers Podcast Republic[/url] [url=]Band 9 IELTS Reading Tips[/url] [url=]4 Ways To Get More Hotel Bookings[/url] [url=]Does Privatization Serve the Public Interest?[/url] [url=]Agency Navigator[/url] [url=]How to Get a Free Night at a Hotel: Tips and Tricks[/url] [url=]St Francis Inn - St Augustine Florida -[/url] [url=]6 things bad husbands have in common[/url] [url=]HTMLSelectElement - Web APIs MDN[/url] [url=]12 Best & Most Unique Colorado Airbnbs[/url] [url=]Episode 4: Mel Todd, Bad Ash Publishing[/url] [url=]Genius Traveling Hacks You Should Save For The Future[/url] [url=]Bed & Breakfasts in Buk from $40/night - KAYAK[/url] [url=]Top 5 Most Dog-Friendly Hotel Brands[/url] [url=]How Much Does It Cost to Travel World in ?[/url] [url=]Office Decor To Revamp Your Workspace[/url] [url=]Europe[/url] [url=]15 Best Places to Visit in the UK in[/url] [url=]Indonesia Family Travel kimkim[/url] [url=]Tokyo's best neighborhoods - Lonely Planet[/url] [url=]European Union Countries by Population - EU Population[/url]  575_99e  
30.03.2024 02:41
Your masterclass as always on top! Lessons from Fred also help me well, what do you think about them? I would be glad if you had a joint lesson with him, as far as I know, he does not mind. It seems that this problem is discussed [url=]Here[/url]
When you and I first met at the master class, I was struck by your life energy! I'll wait for you to continue the story, it was very interesting. And yet, to fulfill the promises of the previous article: This issue has already been discussed [url=]on this site[/url]

[url=]Yank the Dog's Chain[/url]
[url=]Top 10 Money-Saving Travel Tips[/url]
[url=]India to Bali Travel Guide 2022 - Budget, Visa, Currency, Sim & more - Things To Know BEFORE YOU GO![/url]
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[url=]Travel Costs from Around the World[/url]
[url=]Ultimate Travel Guide for Croatia[/url]
[url=]How to Plan the Best Greece Vacation (for 2023)[/url]
[url=]Office Decor To Revamp Your Workspace[/url]
[url=]Gillian Guy, Chief Executive, Citizens Advice[/url]
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[url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=38&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=Always%20glad%20to%20read%20you!%20Try%20the%20embodiments%20described%20above,%20I%20did%20it%20on%20the%20first%20try,%20though%20Im%20just%20a%20beginner!%20And%20if%20you%20have%20not%20tried%20the%20Chris%20method,%20it%20is%20also%20good%20in%20this%20situation.%20It%20seems%20that%20this%20problem%20is%20discussed%20a%20href=!%20Try%20the%20embodiments%20described%20above,%20I%20did%20it%20on%20the%20first%20try,%20though%20Im%20just%20a%20beginner!%20And%20if%20you%20have%20not%20tried%20the%20Chris%20method,%20it%20is%20also%20good%20in%20this%20situation.%20Why%20dont%20you%20try%20to%20do%20it%20as%20described%20a%20href=,%20we%20have%20already%20used%20a%20similar%20service.%20It%20is%20very%20important%20to%20choose%20the%20team,%20which%20has%20long%20been%20on%20the%20market.%20Do%20not%20risk%20your%20money%20and%20health!%20Try%20the%20solution%20described%20a%20href=,000,000%20at%20Age%2017/a%20a%20href=!/a%20a%20href=,%20the%20concept%20map/a%20a%20href=]11 First Time Backpacker Mistakes To Avoid[/url]
[url=]Wikipedia's STRANGEST Language[/url]
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[url=]Zed Zilla - Time 2 Eat[/url]
2.04.2024 16:41

[url=]Survival Guide for LONG-HAUL FLIGHTS - Expert Tips for Ultimate Comfort (even in economy) ?? ??[/url]
[url=]Crash Adams-Destination(lyrics) #youtube[/url]
[url=]10 Words You Only Hear in London[/url]
[url=]The Best Gear for Travel[/url]
[url=]Travel writing[/url]
[url=]How to live for free: 10 places to stay at without paying[/url]
[url=]7 Money Lies We Tell Ourselves[/url]
[url=]Vrbo: Pros and cons of vacation rentals[/url]
[url=]Cyprus welcomes the world! - My Cyprus Transfer[/url]
[url=]'The Blonde Abroad' Visits Pompeii & Positano[/url]
[url=]50 First Dates - Soundtracks - IMDb[/url]
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2.04.2024 16:41
I consider you as my teacher and I thank you for your videos. Tell me, do you expect me to continue our conversation in personal correspondence or can we communicate here? I want to fulfill my promise, This issue has already been discussed [url=]On This Site[/url]
I recently read a solution to a similar problem on the link:
I consider you as my teacher and I thank you for your videos. Tell me, do you expect me to continue our conversation in personal correspondence or can we communicate here? I want to fulfill my promise, It seems that this problem is discussed [url=]Here[/url]

[url=]Holiday Inn Express - RUBBISH? OR WORTH IT![/url] [url=]How to become a travel agent from home[/url] [url=]Choose to Be an Overcomer[/url] [url=]Rating my hotel breakfast Pt. 3[/url] [url=]> Visa information[/url] [url=]Inside a Huge PCB Factory - in China[/url] [url=]What To Do In Santorini On A Budget[/url] [url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=1105&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=When%20you%20and%20I%20first%20met%20at%20the%20master%20class,%20I%20was%20struck%20by%20your%20life%20energy!%20Ill%20wait%20for%20you%20to%20continue%20the%20story,%20it%20was%20very%20interesting.%20And%20yet,%20to%20fulfill%20the%20promises%20of%20the%20previous%20article:%20I%20recently%20read%20a%20solution%20to%20a%20similar%20problem%20a%20href=,%20do%20you%20expect%20me%20to%20continue%20our%20conversation%20in%20personal%20correspondence%20or%20can%20we%20communicate%20here?%20I%20want%20to%20fulfill%20my%20promise,%20It%20seems%20that%20this%20problem%20is%20discussed%20a%20href=,%20do%20you%20expect%20me%20to%20continue%20our%20conversation%20in%20personal%20correspondence%20or%20can%20we%20communicate%20here?%20I%20want%20to%20fulfill%20my%20promise,%20Try%20the%20solution%20described%20a%20href=,%20an%20Itinerary%20for%20Cruise%20Passengers%20&%20Day%20Trippers/aa%20href=,000%20Art%20Competition%20-%20Day%202/aa%20href=]Crafty Tricks That Catch Caribbean Cruisers Out (Again & Again!)[/url] [url=]WebRezPro Cloud PMS: Revenue Management Explained[/url] [url=]We Returned to Bali (how has it changed?)[/url] [url=]Best Honeymoon Destination Guide Video Reviews[/url] [url=]HTML sitemap[/url] [url=]9 Egg Recipes for Breakfast[/url] [url=,Last%20Name,Email%20Address,Phone%20Number&values%5Bpost_id%5D=5136&values%5BFirst%20Name%5D&values%5BLast%20Name%5D&values%5BEmail%20Address%5D&values%5BPhone%20Number%5D&values%5BMessage%5D=My%20wife%20loves%20to%20watch%20your%20videos%20with%20me.%20She%20asked%20me%20to%20ask%20you%20how%20much%20time%20do%20you%20spend%20on%20it%20every%20day?%20And%20how%20difficult%20is%20it%20for%20a%20beginner?%20She%20doubts%20her%20own%20abilities%20after%20one%20article.%20I%20recently%20read%20a%20solution%20to%20a%20similar%20problem%20a%20href=,%20do%20you%20expect%20me%20to%20continue%20our%20conversation%20in%20personal%20correspondence%20or%20can%20we%20communicate%20here?%20I%20want%20to%20fulfill%20my%20promise,%20It%20seems%20that%20this%20problem%20is%20discussed%20a%20href=]How to make a travel budget using points and miles[/url] [url=]Microsoft Bookings: A Positive Way To Schedule Appointments[/url] [url=]The 48 best organic restaurants in Ubud[/url] [url=]International Travel Tips (Hacks)[/url] [url=]The 15 Best Things to do in Athens, Greece[/url] [url=]SO BUSY -- Airport Bali at International arrival[/url] [url=]Office Decor To Revamp Your Workspace[/url] [url=]travelling in south east asia - indonesia ????[/url]  bebb9b3  
8.04.2024 17:28
I consider you as my teacher and I thank you for your videos. Tell me, do you expect me to continue our conversation in personal correspondence or can we communicate here? I want to fulfill my promise, I agree with you, there is a solution, I read about it [url=]in this text[/url]
My wife loves to watch your videos with me. She asked me to ask you how much time do you spend on it every day? And how difficult is it for a beginner? She doubts her own abilities after one article. Why don't you try to do it as described [url=]Here[/url]
Some of my friends tried to dissuade me from using their services. Although I'm tend to believe that they are normal guys. I found information [url=]In this article[/url]

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[url=]Category:Lists of countries by population by year[/url]
[url=]Older Americans struggle to save for retirement[/url]
[url=]Fluffy, Fluffy Pancakes[/url]
[url=]Pink Glitter GO SMS Video Reviews[/url]
[url=]The Orchard Inn & Spa Select Registry[/url]
[url=]Preashea Hilliard - We Want You[/url]
[url=]15 tips for travel in Japan on a budget[/url]
[url=]Hotels in Lahti, Finland[/url]
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[url=]NEW ENGLAND VLOG - exploring Boston, Cape Cod, & Nantucket![/url]
8.04.2024 17:28
My sister last year has experienced this. It was a very difficult experience for her and for our family, and now we try to be careful and read the terms carefully, including the fine print. This problem has a known solution, for example [url=]here[/url]
Some of my friends tried to dissuade me from using their services. Although I'm tend to believe that they are normal guys. It seems that this problem is discussed [url=]Here[/url]
My sister last year has experienced this. It was a very difficult experience for her and for our family, and now we try to be careful and read the terms carefully, including the fine print. Why don't you try to do it as described [url=]here[/url]

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[url=]How to Order Food in English at a Restaurant[/url]
[url=]Escape Granny House in Minecraft[/url]
[url=]Bed and Breakfast Marketing: 8 Ways to Stand Out[/url]
[url=]Remove Emotion from your Bag[/url]
[url=]Category talk:African-American diaspora in Europe[/url]
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13.04.2024 17:56
As I told you earlier, we have already used a similar service. It is very important to choose the team, which has long been on the market. Do not risk your money and health! I agree with you, there is a solution, I read about it [url=]In this text[/url]

[url=]Zilwa Attitude, 4* family-friendly hotel in Mauritius - % authentic[/url] [url=]Q&A: HOW TO PLAN A BACKPACKING TRIP![/url] [url=]Run Hide Fight - FilmAffinity[/url] [url=]Access to this page has been denied.[/url] [url=]Keelung Evergreen Laurel Hotel - Buffet[/url] [url=]Planning A Trip To Iceland - Everything You Need to Know![/url] [url=]7 Budget Travel Tips for Student Travelers ? The Blonde Abroad[/url] [url=]THE LAST CAPITAL CITY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRIES![/url] [url=]Solo Travel Tips: Manila, Philippines[/url] [url=]Speaking Exercise: Complaining at a hotel[/url] [url=]The 8 Best Foods to Eat Before Sleep[/url] [url=]The Prototype TOUCHSCREEN iMac: From 1999[/url] [url=]English Conversation With Travel Agent[/url] [url=]The 21 best places to visit in August[/url] [url=]Monty Python: The Argument Sketch[/url] [url=]Most Recent Listings in Houston, TX under $200k[/url] [url=]video diary 003: greece_mykonos, naxos[/url] [url=]European Economic Area[/url] [url=]How to Fold a Hotel Towel[/url] [url=]5 Ojo Inn Bed and Breakfast[/url] [url=]The 10 best things to do in Hong Kong[/url]  e98596d  
13.04.2024 17:56
Always glad to read you! Try the embodiments described above, I did it on the first try, though I'm just a beginner! And if you have not tried the Chris method, it is also good in this situation. This issue has already been discussed [url=]on this site[/url]
Your masterclass as always on top! Lessons from Fred also help me well, what do you think about them? I would be glad if you had a joint lesson with him, as far as I know, he does not mind. This problem has a known solution, for example [url=]here[/url]
Always glad to read you! Try the embodiments described above, I did it on the first try, though I'm just a beginner! And if you have not tried the Chris method, it is also good in this situation. Try the solution described [url=]Here[/url]

[url=]Cost of Living in Indonesia[/url]
[url=]Everyday You Get A New Challenge[/url]
[url=]37 Reasons NOT to Visit Iceland![/url]
[url=]12 Travel Essential Hacks to Pack Lighter For Your Next Adventure[/url]
[url=]European historical flags[/url]
[url=]Banff - Summer Travel Guide[/url]
[url=]Madness - Our House (Lyrics HD)[/url]
[url=]Pueblos Fantasmas de Texas (Espanol)[/url]
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[url=]Contribute - Lonely Planet[/url]
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[url=]How to Travel Indonesia - Complete Travel Guide[/url]
17.04.2024 05:10
My wife loves to watch your videos with me. She asked me to ask you how much time do you spend on it every day? And how difficult is it for a beginner? She doubts her own abilities after one article. I think the article [url=]On this website[/url] will help you
Your masterclass as always on top! Lessons from Fred also help me well, what do you think about them? I would be glad if you had a joint lesson with him, as far as I know, he does not mind. I recently read a solution to a similar problem [url=]On the link[/url]
Your masterclass as always on top! Lessons from Fred also help me well, what do you think about them? I would be glad if you had a joint lesson with him, as far as I know, he does not mind. This problem has a known solution, for example [url=]Here[/url]

[url=]The Breathtaking Beauty of Nature - HD[/url] [url=]Where to Travel ALONE for the FIRST TIME (10 Best Countries)[/url] [url=]The Best Bali Hotels & Resorts - My Guide[/url] [url=]Costly Travel Mistakes The Most Common Ways Travelers Waste Money[/url] [url=]Santorini On a Budget: Money-Saving Guide[/url] [url=]5 MIN Healthy breakfast Idea??[/url] [url=]How to manage Listing Categories - Part II[/url] [url=]Registrations - Pinellas County Tax Collector[/url] [url=]Travel Vocabulary in English with Travel Stories[/url] [url=]Travel guide to Indonesia[/url] [url=]Natalie Tran on how to cook in a hotel room[/url] [url=]Top 12 Things to Do in Yogyakarta[/url] [url=]Athens - Wiki Videos[/url] [url=]Wanderlust (intro)[/url] [url=]POLONNARUWA ANCIENT CITY[/url] [url=]How We Rate Canada Select[/url] [url=]Plumwood: Interview with Rory King[/url] [url=]Distinguished Achievement in Leadership[/url] [url=]Where to Stay in Iceland Along the Ring Road[/url] [url=]10 Financial Mistakes by Salaried Class[/url] [url=]Destroyer of Worlds - Epic Indian Music[/url]  4014feb  
17.04.2024 05:10
As I told you earlier, we have already used a similar service. It is very important to choose the team, which has long been on the market. Do not risk your money and health! I found information [url=]In this article[/url]
Try the solution described here:
My sister last year has experienced this. It was a very difficult experience for her and for our family, and now we try to be careful and read the terms carefully, including the fine print. This issue has already been discussed [url=]On This Site[/url]

[url=]Edwin K Bed and Breakfast[/url]
[url=]What does The Bradley Inn being a Select Registry Property mean to you?[/url]
[url=]What Are Some Basic Greek Phrases?[/url]
[url=]Category:African travel books[/url]
[url=]The Affluent Society Revisited[/url]
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[url=]Iceland Bucket List: Food[/url]
[url=]Best Countries to Visit in Asia - Travel Video[/url]
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[url=]Maps and Prints[/url]
[url=]The 48 best organic restaurants in Ubud[/url]
[url=]Top 25 Things To Do In Jakarta, Indonesia[/url]
[url=]The Ultimate Guide to NYC's Cheap Eats[/url]
19.04.2024 23:00
It seems that this problem is discussed here: [url=][/url]
As I told you earlier, we have already used a similar service. It is very important to choose the team, which has long been on the market. Do not risk your money and health! This problem has a known solution, for example [url=]Here[/url]

[url=]Professional Tuba[/url]
[url=]NewsLink - August 22,[/url]
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19.04.2024 23:00
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